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Scale name: Financial Activation Scale (FAS)

Description: Financial Activation Scale items were developed to identify individuals who are responsive to positive future financial occurrences, or who are motivated to engage in goal-setting activities in the financial planning context. Two subscale scores can be derived from this measure (Planning Drive; Financial Freedom), as well as a full-scale score.

Source: Neukam, K. A., & Hershey, D. A. (2003).  Financial inhibition, financial activation, and saving for retirement.  Financial Services Review, 12, 19-37.

Cronbach's alpha: 0.85

Response format: Likert-type response format (1 = strongly disagree; 7 = strongly agree)

Instructions: Using the seven-point scale below, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. 


Planning Drive (5 items)

            1. When it comes to financial planning in retirement, I use a “no holds barred” approach.

            2. When doing financial planning for retirement, I feel excited and energized. 

            3. I go out of my way when it comes to financial planning for retirement.

            4. I am highly active in my pursuits toward financial planning in retirement.

            5. When I see the chance to further my retirement investments, I move on it right away.


Financial Freedom (4 items)

1. I desire financial freedom when I retire. 

2. I have the desire to be able to do what I want financially in retirement. 

3. When I retire, I want to be able to have enough money to be able to participate in any     leisure activities I desire. 

4. I want to have enough in retirement to be able to purchase the items I wish without         being concerned about financial security. 

Full Scale (9 items)

1. When it comes to financial planning in retirement, I use a “no holds barred” approach.

2. When doing financial planning for retirement, I feel excited and energized.

3. I go out of my way when it comes to financial planning for retirement.

4. I am highly active in my pursuits toward financial planning in retirement.

5. When I see the chance to further my retirement investments, I move on it right away.

6. I desire financial freedom when I retire. 

7. I have the desire to be able to do what I want financially in retirement.

8. When I retire, I want to be able to have enough money to be able to participate in any     leisure activities I desire. 

9. I want to have enough in retirement to be able to purchase the items I wish without         being concerned about financial security. 


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